Blog posts

📌 Minor updates and fixes applied

Sunday 20 December 2015

Minor updates and fixes applied We’ve made some minor updates to our spider for the online and windows version of our sitemap generator. Binary files Binary files such as Word Document, Adobe PDF, etc. previously just showed the HTTP server response such as “Ok”. We now simply show the filename of such files. Domain names We have relaxed validation on domain names so it is not essential to use punycode. You can therefore decide which domain name you want to use for your sitemap.

📌 Donate to help keep XML Sitemaps Free

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Donate to help keep XML Sitemaps Free Xml Sitemap Generator is provided free purely out of the enjoyment of doing it. We take time out of our personal lives to develop and support it and cover costs out of our own pockets. This includes development, testing, hosting, domains, security certificates and support for : online XML Sitemap Generator, G-Mapper Windows XML Sitemap Generator and Coming soon WordPress XML Sitemap Generator With recent increases in popularity we need to raise further funding to help keep the show on the road.

📌 G-Mapper and XmlSitemapGenerator

Wednesday 20 May 2015

G-Mapper and XmlSitemapGenerator You may have noticed recently that got a makeover which saw the website become mobile friendly and more in line with As part of this continuing alignment and joining of forces to bring you the best online sitemap generator and sitemap generator download we now sharing a blog. From here on Blog.XmlSitemapgenerator.Org will be presenting posts for both solutions as a common set of tools. As always we’ll be tagging up our posts but we’ll now have the addition of “G-Mapper”, “Online” tags to enable you to easily filter content should you wish to do so.

📌 Improved HTML sitemaps format

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Improved HTML sitemaps format We’ve improved and simplified the HTML sitemap feature. Your pages will now display in a simplified hierarchy based on the order in which our spider finds them, instead of the flat list. We also removed the URL to keep the list simpler.

📌 Improved HTML spidering (Robots, Canonical, Rel)

Friday 28 March 2014

Improved HTML spidering (Robots, Canonical, Rel) We now now parse a number of HTML elements to better understand your website and which files should be in your sitemap. Canonical urls We now detect the link rel=“canonical” tag. <link rel="canonical" href=""/> Where we detect this tag and it points to another page we will not include the current page in the sitemap and will instead spider the url specified in href attribute of the tag.

📌 Improved support for character encoding and redirects

Saturday 15 February 2014

Improved support for character encoding and redirects Character encoding We’ve improved our spider so that it can cope with a wider range of character sets including Arabic and Chinese. Don’t forget that for this feature to work correctly it is important that we can understand your website encoding otherwise our spider won’t interpret it correctly and your sitemap will contain strange characters and symbols. Improved HTTP 301 redirect and 302 Moved handling Not only do we now follow HTTP 301 and HTTP 302 automatically.

📌 Welcome to the XmlSitemapGenerator.Org Blog

Thursday 2 January 2014

Welcome to our new blog Welcome to our new blog. The plan is to use our blog to provide more details about features and FAQs to support our user community. To stay up to date why not follow us on Twitter or like us on facebook.
